The Soviet Union overall can overrun Europe because of the access of nuclear and rocket technology.

Germany in the 1950 conquest will not be a problem because they are neutral but you must still stay away from them because they have very powerful generals in super tanks within their cities. The Soviets in the 1950 conquest have superiority over all of Europe and can overrun the Balkans if it was invaded and outnumbered by the French because you have the help of the Polish army. The best thing to do is wear the Axis down in Europe and like in 1939 attack Japan later. The Soviets have plenty of artillery generals and infantry in this conquest, so you can possibly overrun the German Wehrmacht. In the 1943 conquest, the Soviets are slightly outnumbered on the eastern front by the Germans and Romanians.

Overall, playing as the Soviets in 1939 is easy but challenging. You should be through with Germany and her allies by the time the Japanese arrive. The best thing to do to counter the Japanese is to build fortresses in the direction of the empire and prepare a army. The Soviet Union however will be suffering from the Japanese invasion in the far eastern part of the nation. In the 1939 conquest, it is pretty easy to play as the Soviets because the Axis Powers would be focused mostly on the west which means you can move west. The Soviet Union in the 1939 conquest is unprepared for the 3rd Reich's invasion of the east, but you have plenty of time to prepare a large army because the amount of resources you get. The Soviet Union has a extremely large army with very skilled generals, mostly artillery generals. The Soviet Union "Russia" is obviously the largest country in the game and world by land mass. After World War II the Soviet Union developed their Asia-Pacific territory to counter the might of the Pacific Powers (the US and Japan), with the presence of Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East made the country extremely hard to breach from both east and west.

Most of the Soviet military power is concentrated in the European part of it's territory due to the threat posed by the German Reich. As the largest country by area, the Soviet Union has the capability to launch a provocative massive ground attack or deadly ground retaliation force upon it's enemies. The Soviet Union is a principal member of the Allied Powers, the Union and is the the leader of the WTO. The Soviet Union is a Great Power in Europe and the Asia-Pacific, the USSR also has occupations in Africa and the Americas.