Later, when Yakko and the animator decide to work together, they make Dr. Me's a Crowd: One of the ways Yakko is messed with is by using copy-paste to make a crowd of him.Meet Your Early-Installment Weirdness: Following the "Cheshire Cat" bit, Yakko's originally drawn in the style of the original Animaniacs cartoon before he complains and regains his updated appearance.I Always Wanted to Say That: When Yakko's voice is swapped with Wakko's, instead of immediately refusing, he says he's always wanted to say something in this voice and takes a moment to quote Ringo Starr.The ending has them screwing with the other side-characters over ice cream. Defeat Equals Friendship: After the animator explains that tormenting her cartoons is one of her only outlets she has and that he's actually her favourite Warner, Yakko is quick to forgive her.The Cameo: Pepé Le Pew is drawn into frame at one point (surprising given that he was purposely omitted from Space Jam: A New Legacy, though this could be because this episode might have been produced before he was cut).Call-Back: Yakko eating dairy-free ice cream may be a reference to The Stinger gags from 1993 - one of which has him claim that he's lactose intolerant.When she does, Yakko uses them to grab her pen and overpower her. Briar Patching: Yakko begs the animator not give him extra arms.Author Avatar: The animator appears to be a caricature of the principal animator and character designer of the new Animaniacs, Genevieve Tsai.